Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

An old turkish cemetery and a christian church almost side by side within the walls of the castle. Ένα παλιό τούρκικο νεκροταφείο και μια χριστιανική εκκλησία σχεδόν δίπλα δίπλα μέσα στο παλιό κάστρο.

There are many old buildings and structures within the old castle walls in the town of Chios. All these are samples of the different civilizations and cultures of the different people who co-existed there, living together in harmony, many years ago. The old turkish (muslim) cemetery with the tombstones written in letters unused for long time and almost forgotten now and the greek-orthodox christian church of St. George, built with ancient stones and columns, and with the old well under the plane tree and the sarcophagus in its yard, are telling us that.
I wish the modern world was living in such an harmony and peace together.

Υπάρχουν πάρα πολλά παλιά κτίρια και κατασκευές ανάμεσα στα τείχη του παλιού κάστρου της Χίου. Όλα αυτά είναι μάρτυρες των διαφορετικών πολιτισμών και κουλτούρας των διαφορετικών λαών που ζούσαν αρμονικά και ειρηνικά μαζύ πολλά χρόνια πρίν. Το παλιό τούρκικο (μουσουλμανικό) νεκροταφείο, με τις ταφόπλακες γραμμένες με γράμματα που έχουν χρόνια να χρησιμοποιηθούν και είναι σχεδόν ξεχασμένα πια και η ορθόδοξη χριστιανική εκκλησία του Αγ. Γεωργίου, χτισμένη με αρχαίες πέτρες και κίονες, και με το παλιό πηγάδι και την σαρκοφάγο κάτω από τον πλάτανο στην αυλή της, μας λένε γι' αυτό.
Μακάρι κι ο σημερινός κόσμος να ζούσε τόσο αρμονικά και ειρηνικά.


penny said...

Lovely photos, Costas. It is fascinating to wandering through an old cemetery and read the headstones.

Sylvia K said...

So very beautiful and peaceful! And, yes, why can't our world live together in such peace and harmony??? Your photos are superb as always, Costas! And as always, thank you for sharing your very beautiful world! Hope your day/evening goes well!


Out on the prairie said...

This really grabbed my attention,nice photos and idea. A new president of a university took a similar action with his school. All clubs were placed in the same building and floor. He closed the small satelite cafeterias and had all eat in the same one. His idea was even with differing views and lives, harmony could result by everyone being together so as to communicate better.

Pat Tillett said...

I love these photos and this place. We simply have nothing like that in the western part of the U.S.

Loree said...

Wow! How awesome that is. It seems like a lot of the Mediterranean islands shared a lot of the same history. Sometimes I feel like I am seeing parts of Malta in your photos.

Ree said...

These old tombstones are interesting, even beautiful.

Peace and harmony in the modern world, oh how I wish!

Thanks, Costas!

Virginia said...

We all d ream of a world where we can live in peace and understanding of our differences and respect them.

This resting place is so lovely. I so wish I could have been at your elbow and photographed these beautiful tablets and this peaceful place.