Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Perfumes, fragrances and colors, Χρώματα ευωδιές κι αρώματα.

The slopes of Imittos are full with colors, perfumes and fragrances this season. And life in all its forms. If you want to look a little closer, you will see the workers, busy all day, sipping life, and bringing life to others.

Οι πλαγιές του Υμηττού είναι γεμάτες με αρώματα και χρώματα αυτή την εποχή. Και ζωή σε όλες της τις μορφές. Και άν κοιτάξει κανείς πιο κοντά, θα δεί τους εργάτες, απασχολημένους όλη τη μέρα, να ρουφούν τη ζωή και να τήν κουβαλούν και στους άλλους.


Shirleyanne said...

Hello Costas, Many thanks for visiting my blogs & your kind comments. Your photos of the flowers & bees are brilliant.
A beautiful shade of pink!
I just love taking photos, & I can see you do aswell, so looking forward to more.

Eva F. said...

M΄αρέσει το ρόζ!
Μ΄ένα κλικ είναι φανταστικές!
Οι μέλισσες!...
Πολύ ζωντανές φωτό!..
Μπράβο Κωστή.

Tash said...

Spring's glory in pink & yellow. Love the 6th from the bottom - bee close-up, the rish pink in the shade and the one with the 2 bees together.

Neus said...

It is really difficult to shoot a bee like that, and see all the steps that she does it's great! Congrats Costas. I have loved to see through your pics what happens in spring!

chasity said...

beautiful flowers...they look like our wild roses of June.

Anonymous said...

Looks warm and wonderful there! Beautiful shots of the bees :)

tapirgal said...

It was nice to visit your bees and flowers today. We hav gray skies and very cold weather this 4th day of April, and I'd rather stay in than go out right now, so I enjoyed your post!