Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A traditional wedding at Grevena, Greece. Ένας παραδοσιακός γάμος στα Γρεβενά.

I was invited by the bridegroom to be at his wedding at Grevena in northern Greece. Some customs and traditions, are different from what is happening in other parts of Greece and I would like to share them with you.
Ήμουνα καλεσμένος απο τον γαμπρό σ' ένα γάμο στα Γρεβενά. Μερικές από τις συνήθειες και τα έθιμα είναι διαφορετικά απ' ότι ξέρομε.

The grooms friends started arriving early, and were given white aprons and towels to wear, as they were supposed to help with the wedding. Of course there was a local band waiting for them outside the house.
Τα "μπρατίμια", οι φίλοι δηλαδή και κολλητοί του γαμπρού, άρχισαν να φθάνουν νωρίς και τους έδωσαν άσπρες ποδιές και πετσέτες να φορέσουν, επειδή, υποτίθεται, θα βοηθούσαν στον γάμο. Και η κομπανία με τα όργανα τους περίμενε έξω από το σπίτι.
When they were all home, they went to bring the best man, accompanied by the band of course.
Όταν μαζεύτηκαν όλοι, με την συνοδεία της κομπανίας, πήγαν να φέρουν τον κουμπάρο.
The best man had was bringing the necessary items to shave the groom.
Ο κουμπάρος είχε μαζύ του και τα απαραίτητα για να ξυρίσουν το γαμπρό.
Then they started shaving him, while the musicians were singing and performing accordingly.
Εδώ ξυρίζουν τον γαμπρό συνοδεία μουσικής.
There is dancing and singing while the bridegroom is being helped to dress up. The music is similar to that of Goran Bregovic, as you can hear it in the films of Emir Kusturica.
Συνεχίζουν με χορό και τραγούδι όσο ο γαμπρός ντύνεται. Η μουσικη θυμίζει αυτήν του Goran Bregovic όπως την ακούγαμε στις ταινίες του Κουστουρίτσα.
At the end, they take the shoes to the bride. Those she will wear at the church. When they go to her place, she does not want to put them on, complaining they are too tight for her feet. Then the friends of the bridegroom start giving her money, to persuade her to try them again. When she thinks that the money is enough, she puts them on and they take her to the church for the wedding.
Στο τέλος, πάνε τα παπούτσια στην νύφη για να τα φορέση στην εκκλησία. Στην αρχή αυτή παραπονιέται πως είναι στενά και δεν της χωράνε και οι μπράτιμοι αρχίζουν να της δίνουν λεφτά για να την πείσουν να τα ξαναδοκιμάσει. Όταν νομίσει πως τα λεφτά είναι αρκετά, τότε τα φοράει και ξεκινούν για την εκκλησία.


Virginia said...

What a wonderful series of photographs. I do not think they do this for G reek weddings here but I will ask my friends. I will be photographing the wedding of a friend's daughter in August. It will be a very small family wedding in the chapel at the Greek Orthodox church here. I"ve already been and taken some photos at the church and will post just for you this week! :)

James said...

Very nice and also very interesting. I can imagine the festive music in my mind.

Sylvia K said...

How fun! And so interesting! Your photos are delightful! I could easily imagine the music and the celebration! Thanks for sharing, Costas1 Enjoy your weekend!


Virginia said...

They will be up on Saturday. :)

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

I have relatives in Aridea...we have the same traditions..i was shave too :)) thank you,i like to see this

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

So interesting. I've never heard of the shoe part. What fun.

Silvia Pato said...

It's fantastic! that way for giving the shoes is great! good job!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful and fun traditions! The shoe gift is wonderful!

Thank you so much for sharing these with us!

Loree said...

What interesting traditions. Thanks for sharing.

Diane AZ said...

Looks like everyone had fun. Very interesting customs and your pictures are fantastic!

Out on the prairie said...

It was fun to be part of the party, I turned up my sound to see if you included music.Had a neighbor who played a lot of music he had played in Greece on a B flat clarinet and I would strum on my guitar.Nice post Costas.

Allison said...

What an interesting article, Costas! It's exciting to get an inside look into somebody else's culture... love this!

Pat Tillett said...

What great fun!
Great photos also...

Shirleyanne said...

Enjoyed this post with the insight to others wedding traditions!
A lovely series of photos Costas.
I'm sure it was a very memorable & happy day!
Enjoy your weekend!