Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stone structures on the mountains (ΙΙ). Πέτρινες κατασκευές στις Μαδάρες(ΙΙ).


Betty Manousos said...

Interesting photos!!
I'd like to hear the story behind them.
Have a great day!
~ B

Αννα said...

Ωραιες φωτογραφιες Κώστα!!!

Καλό μήνα!!!Αν δε σε πειραζει καποια στιγμη μπορω να τις δειξω σε μαθητες μου σε σχολειο;;;

Sylvia K said...

Those are fascinating and, I too, would love to know their history! Hope your day is going well, Costas!


Unknown said...

@ Betty
@ Sylvia
On my earlier post,{Stone structures on the mountains (Ι)}, I have a note about the history and use of these structures.
Thank you for your nice comments.

Pat Tillett said...

Good photos. Whenever I see buildings like this, I wonder how safe they really were.

lizziviggi said...

Wow, I would love to walk through the mountains and see something like this. Very nice.

D.Angel said...

Σου το πα;;;
Εβγαλα εισιτήριααααα
Χα χα χα χα
Φιλιά πολλά

Καλό μήνααααααααααααα

Linnea said...

These stone houses must have provided great shelter from the scorching heat as well as cold, chilly nights. How interesting. You always seem to come across fascinating sights!

Regina said...

Wow such beautiful and lush mountains.
Great captures Costas.
Thank you for sharing.
Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I am fascinated by each one. I notice many are surrounded by wire fencing. Is that to keep people out? Or to keep animals in or out?

I also am fascinated by the stone fences. So amazing!