Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Friday, July 30, 2010

A few more photographs from the White Mountaints of Crete. Μερικές ακόμη φωτογραφίες από τις Μαδάρες του Αποκόρωνα.


SquirrelQueen said...

Wonderful views of the countryside. I see places I would love to hike and explore.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

superb colors and places!!

Kimberly said...

Truly beautiful, Costas!


Κωστή βρίσκομαι στα μέρη σου.
κατέβα να πιούμε τσοι ρακές μας.

Sylvia K said...

I love the view from the mountains in the first shot! Such a gorgeous place and such a wonderful place to hike -- camera in hand, of course! Always love the hikes and tours of your beautiful country that you take us on through your photos, Costas! Thanks for the beauty you add to my day! Have a lovely weekend!


D.Angel said...

Μαδάρες μου Χανιώτικες...
Ερχομαι το Σάββατο επιτέλους!
Φιλιά πολλά

Bagafarna said...

White Mountains - what a romantic name. And the landscapes - magnificent!

Out on the prairie said...

I can almost smell the air looking at these. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I love these shots - especially the stone hut, and that gorgeous stone fence.

TracyT said...

Oh...the White Mountains are gorgeous! Nice captures Costas! ;)

Μαίρη (Ginger) said...

Φαίνεται ότι αγαπάς την/τις φωτογραφική/ες σου μηχανή/ες τουλάχιστον όσο κι εγώ. Φιλιά