Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Collared Dove. Η δεκοχτούρα.

A break on  my series on Crete, to give you an update on the collared dove, nesting close to my balcony. I was seeing her on the nest for some time, two months ago. Then, suddenly, she left the nest without any eggs in it, and a couple of weeks ago, I started seeing her again in the nest. Yesterday afternoon I had my first chance to have a look at the nest while she was away for a very short time. Look at what I saw.
Ένα διάλειμα στην σειρά των αναρτήσεών μου απο την Κρήτη, να σας δώσω νεώτερα από την δεκοχτούρα που φωλιάζει μπροστά στο μπαλκόνι μου. Την είχα χάσει για αρκετό καιρό και πρίν από συό βδομάδες άρχισα να την βλέπω ξανά στην φωλιά. Χθές το απόγευμα είχα την ευκαιρία να ρίξω μια ματιά στην φωλιά, την ώρα που την είχε αφίσει για λίγο.. Δέστε τι είδα.

Two young chicks, a few days old, in the nest.

Δυό πιτσουνάκια, ηλικίας λίγων ημερών στην φωλιά.

Mother does not stay away from the nest for long, as the hawks are still in the neighborhood, and they have six hungry mouths to feed.

Η μητέρα δεν λείπει απο την φωλιά για πολύ, επειδή τα γεράκια κυκλοφορούν συνέχεια στην γειτονιά και έχουνε έξι πεινασμένα στόματα να θρέψουν.

Mother keeping a worried eye on me.

Η μητέρα με κοιτάζει ανήσυχη.

Camera : Nicon D60. Lens 70-300 (manual focus). Various settings, ISO 200.


Sylvia K said...

Fantastic captures as always, Costas! I love seeing the concerned mother, watching over her young! What wonderful things you are able to capture! Enjoy!


lotusleaf said...

Motherly love and concern is pwrfwctly captured in your shots.The hawks must be biding their time too!

kiki said...

Αχ μωρούλια!!! Πάλι στάθηκες τυχερός με τα πουλιά!!!

jennyfreckles said...

Such a pretty bird. How amazing to be able to see right into that nest. I hope she manages to raise both chicks.

Anonymous said...

Two very vulnerable kids and their mother - great photos, Costas!

Virginia said...

Amazing series. I can't believe you were able to capture the mother as well!

DIANA. BRUNA said...

STUPENDE riprese. Quello di riprendere un nido è sempre stato il mio sogno, ma non ci sono mai riuscita.
Buona domenica

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great shot.

Darryl and Ruth : )

penny said...

A heart warming scene with Mother and babies all huddled together, Costas. Well done!

Allison said...

So beautiful, Costas. I love the color of this bird, and the soft felt-like appearance of her feathers. How you get these shots is a mystery to me, Costas. You must be so patient!

Betty Manousos said...

Wow! i've never seen this before. beautiful shots!!
thanks for sharing :o)

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

nice capture! :)

Teté M. Jorge said...

Uma atmosfera encantadora... que série magnífica!


Anonymous said...

Oooooh! Love these pictures! What an absolutely stunning thing to find! And so close by! They are adorable!

55fm said...


Anonymous said...

nature is amazing!