Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Searching for mushrooms on the mountains. Γυρεύοντας μανιτάρια στην Πίνδο.

The rains keep falling almost daily on the mountains of northern Greece. And while I was there, a friend told me to go and look for some. Well, it was not bad walking in the woods, but we could not find many edible.

Οι σχεδόν καθημερινές βροχές στα δάση της Πίνδου, έχουν σαν αποτέλεσμα να βγαίνουν μανιτάρια εκτός εποχής. Όσο ήμουν εκεί, ένας φίλος μου είπε να πάμε να μαζεψωμε μερικά. Δεν βρήκαμε τίποτα άξιο λόγου, αλλά η βόλτα μέσα στο δάσος δεν ήταν άσχημη.


Anonymous said...

Παρα πολύ ωραίο το μπλοκ!

Ενα με τη φύση το έκανες!

Στα μανιτάρια ειμαι αλλεργικη! Κατα τα αλλα υπεροζες και οι εικονες σου!

Φιλιά πολλά

Claudia said...

pictures are wonderful...

Mary Howell Cromer said...

We are having tons of different mushrooms and fungi coming up and none of them are edible either. They do make wonderful imaginative images though~

Gunn said...

Beautiful details and light! I like it!:)

Out on the prairie said...

In the spring we find a morel mushroom for a few weeks, but the other 5-6 edible ones aren't that flavorful.The walk is fun to get out and find things you haven't seen.Nice pictures.

Unknown said...

... And you found many! Aren't they just great?!

Betty Manousos said...

Amazing pics, Costas!
You just made me want to be there.
Love the woods and mushrooms.

B :)

jennyfreckles said...

They might not be edible but they're very attractive and varied.

kiki said...

Μια βουνό, μία θάλασσα Κωστή; Τέλεια ρτα μανιταράκια!

Sylvia K said...

Thanks for the lovely walk, Costas! Edible or not, they're delightful as are your photos! Enjoy!


Allison said...

Stunning mushrooms, Costas! And I love the new look of your blog. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Mushrooms are very decorative and deserves to be showed ;-)

Anonymous said...

So many beautiful types of mushrooms you found! And I really love those gnarly trees!!!

It's too dry for mushrooms here, but in the spring and fall ... they're everywhere!

ΓΙΑΝΝΑ said...

Κωστη το μπλογκ ειναι πολυ ωραιο.Μια αυρα δροσιας και αναπαυλας του νου.Οι φωτογραφιες με τα μανιταρια τελειες και μου αρεσουνεεεε.Τα ατιμα ειναι πεντανοστιμα.