Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Monday, July 19, 2010

St. Elias Church. Του Προφήτη Ηλία αύριο.

Our Church , on July 20th (tomorrow), celebrates the memory of Prophet Elias. The Churches dedicated to the prophet, are usually built high up on the mountains, as he was raised to heaven in a burning chariot, from a mountain top, according to the Old Testament. On the mountain over Glyfada, where I live, there is a little church. People climb up the path and visit the church and stay overnight for the ceremony tomorrow morning. I took a few photographs of the little church from my balcony, during the day and tonight after dark, when the path to the church is lighted.
Αύριο, 20 Ιουλίου είναι η γιορτή το Αη-Λιά. Οι εκκλησίες του προφήτη, είναι συνήθως κτισμένες ψηλά σε βουνοκορφές, όπως και το εκκλησάκι στον Υμηττό, πάνω από την Γλυφάδα. Τράβηξα μερικές φωτογραφίες κατά την διάρκεια της ημέρας και απόψε αφού νύχτωσε, που το μονοπάτι που οδηγεί στην εκκλησία είναι φωτισμένο για να διευκολύνει τους προσκυνητές.

Shutter speed : 1/2000, f/5.6, ISO 800, focal length 300mm.

Shutter speed 1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 200, focal length 300mm.

Shutter speed 28 seconds, f/5, ISO 200, focal length 200mm.

Shutter speed 3 seconds, f/5, ISO 200, focal length 200mm.

Shutter speed 10 seconds, f/5.3, ISO 200, focal length 240.

Shutter speed 30 seconds, f/4, ISO 200, focal length 70mm.
(for all night shots you see here, I was using a tripod with my camera. There was a strong wind blowing at the time and although i was trying to hold the camera steady, it was still vibrating. Look at the effect of the camera movement. The stars look like birds).

Shutter speed 10 seconds, f/4, ISO 200, focal length 70mm.

Shutter speed 15 seconds, f/4, ISO 200, focal length 70mm.


SquirrelQueen said...

It is a lovely little church, I hope everyone enlarges the photos to get a closer look. Taking photos in a strong wind is never easy but you did well Costas.

Sylvia K said...

It is indeed a lovely church and in spite of the difficulties with wind your did indeed a great job, Costas! Always enjoy learning more about the places you photograph and appreciate the information that you include! Enjoy!


Allison said...

St. Elias... the name of a sweet boy in my life. Meaningful. Thank you!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Gorgeous shots, as always.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Anonymous said...

Yπέροχη και φωτεινή η διαδρομη προς το φως!


μου ελειψες Κωστη

Anonymous said...

Such a tiny and sweet little church. I love the night shots - the trail lit up with starfire ...

Unknown said...

This is really interesting Costas! Thank you for sharing, and for explaining it to us. :o)

betty manousos said...

Interesting photos, Costas.
Hope you're well.
Have not seen you around.

betty manousos said...

Interesting photos, Costas.
Hope you're well.
Have not seen you around.

Bagafarna said...

Beatiful sight and interesting tradition.

55fm said...

Kωστή ζωγράφισες πάλι!
Καλό βράδυ

Loree said...

What a cute little church.

webruci said...

Great story with beautiful pictures!

Bless you, my friend:)

bilsot said...

Φέτος ήταν η 4η φορά που ανέβηκα , αλλά είχα και την κάμερα μαζί μου.
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