Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wild flowers and bees in Crete. Αγριολούλουδα και μέλισσες στην Κρήτη.


Sylvia K said...

So, glad to see you've overcome the problem, Costas! Gorgeous flowers and colors! I would have hated to miss these!


✿France✿ said...

ET bien plus de soucis je vois et j'en suis heureuse
Tes fleurs sont si belles du jaune du mauve quel régal pour nous.
Et ta bestiole qui je pense à trouver sa place.
TU vois tout marche alors si tout se passe bien je peux te dire

Anonymous said...

Δεν είχα αμφιβολία ότι δεν θα κατάφερνες να ανεβάσεις αυτές τις όμορφες φωτογραφίες

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sylvia - I'm so glad you managed to find a way around the issue - I too would have hated to miss these gorgeous shots.

I enlarged the bee-on-thistle pictures and WOW. They are gorgeous!

TexWisGirl said...

hurray! you got it to work! i tried mine a bit ago and no luck so i'll try later.

i love the thistles and bees! :)

Pat Tillett said...

Nice photos Costas! I've been having many problems with blogger, but uploading photos has not been one of them.

tanette2 said...

J'ai suivi le chemin via chez France, je découvre de très belles photos de nature et d'animaux, les chats sont vraiement "craquants".
Bonne soirée.

Amici S.Demetrio Bologna said...

its great to be able to capture nature so..eloquently.the other day i took some pics of old buildings i would love you to see,will them next week or later.kali sinexeia:)

Anonymous said...

hello Costas

bellas imágenes.estas y las anteriores eres un maestro a seguir. te invito a mi blogs de fotos , espero llegar a ser como muchos de vosotros..saludos

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Costas, these are all so very beautiful and those kit-cats above are absolutely the "Cat's Meow;) "

Montanagirl said...

Oh, such a superb set of photos! So sharp, and clear, not to mention colorful!


γονιμοποίησης συνέχεια και ομορφιάς επίσης...

lotusleaf said...

Beautiful wild flowers! The yellow one looks similar to an Indian wild flower.