Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Modern Slavery

Most of you, my friends, have probable heard at the news about the unrest, the demonstrations and the protests here in Athens and other cities in Greece.
Most of what you hear and see is probably true, although some facts might be really exaggerated. My blog was started to show you some of my photographs but I must make an exception today and share with you my opinion.
What is happening here, is that the people in the streets and squares of Athens are mostly those who are called to pay the price for the crimes of others. Those who are suffering most from the new measures are those the least responsible for the crisis. Years of inefficient, bad and corrupt management of the country have resulted in the amass of a huge national debt. The DE-industrialization of the country has resulted in a large number of unemployed, especially among the younger generation. Younger people, educated or not are fleeing the country in search of a job and a better life somewhere else.The continuing fall of the prices of agricultural products and the rising costs of farming, has resulted in the decline of agricultural produce.
Those governing us, for years now, were not taking any measures to make reforms earlier. The only way they could find to stay in power, was by getting loans from foreign countries and institutions, which loans were NEVER used for development or exploring new ways and finding new resources to improve the national income. They were spreading the money between themselves and those supporting them.
This was done, with the officials and richer countries in the European Union knowing that sometime this was going to happen. You can not get new loans to pay the doses for the old ones. It is common sense. But maybe they do not have the common sense. Or they were planning all this.
Voices from all around the world talking about measures which should have been taken decades ago, were censored and depressed. Maybe this was their plan. To bring the country just one step forward, closer to destruction.
People, like BobChapman, have been talking about this for years now. Nobody heard. They have been talking that Greece, as the weak link of the European Union is used as test field. Other countries will follow soon. Countries like Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy are just awaiting their turn. The Big Bankers who are the true masters of today’s economies and they govern the world according to what they think is good to them, have planned this long time ago.
After exploiting the resources and the peoples of the countries of the developing world, they have turned their attention elsewhere. The big corporations are looking our way, for new cheaper labor. For more earnings. For modern slavery.
The World Bank, the IMF, the Central European Bank new this was going to happen, if they had not planned this beforehand, and they allowed it.
And now government and media are trying to tell us how necessary are the measures to save the country and our economy. Or how to save them and their jobs, which are well payed and always profitable.
They are trying to terrorize and intimidate the people, repeating how bad things are going to get if the people do not agree and the representatives at the Parliament do not vote according to their wishes. To intimidate and terrorize the protesting people, the people who have seen their pensions cut, their jobs lost their earnings shrink, they are using hordes of those calling themselves “journalists”. An army of illiterate and ignorant people, working for the corporations controlling the newspapers and mass media, are spreading the terror by stressing the destructive results of a negative vote. They are never talking with facts. They are just repeating the opinions of their masters because they are not capable of having an opinion of their own. Opposing voices are suppressed and forbidden. Those who are struggling to survive, to live in dignity and pride must be thrown in the fire.
Earlier this afternoon, the ruling majority of the so called “Socialist” party voted and passed the new measures in the House of Parliament.
They put around the necks of all those who were living bellow poverty limits, the rope to be hanged.
When they are going to kick the stall under their feet, away, is only a matter of time.
The people of Greece will be living in a new age of slavery under the strong from now on.
We are awaiting to see which country and which people are going to be next.



Sylvia K said...

It is a very sad situation and while it is certainly worse in Greece, the down slide of the economies of so many countries -- including the US is frightening. Where/when does it end???


TexWisGirl said...

I agree with Sylvia, as surely there is a domino effect beginning here.

I think of you each time I hear about the Greece protests on TV. I do not have any answers to anything. Just prayers and good thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Αυτή τη στιγμή διαπράττονται εγκληματα και εσχατη προδοσία της χωρας μας και ειναι ωρα πια να πουμε Αρκετα!!!!
Όλοι στους δρομους Κωστή, όλοι!

τα φιλια μου και τα σεβη μου!

OceanoAzul.Sonhos said...

Costas, tenho ouvido falar do que se passa na Grécia, terrível realidade. Também Portugal está com problemas. O desemprego aumenta, o poder de compra diminui provocando o colapso. Dias ainda mais complicados virão. É assustador, principalmente para quem tem filhos.
Muita fé e oração, acreditando sempre que tudo vai melhorar.
Um abraço

Rob Siemann said...

It will probably be Spain

betsy said...

I can tell you what country is going to be next. My country. The USA. I gave the Obama campaign a thousand dollars and my vote, only to find he is nothing more than a corporate lackey and a warmonger. But the people here do not have the spine the Greeks have. There will be no protestors right up to the day the banksters and the rich flee a dying country in their private jets-

Anonymous said...

h kalyterh analysh ths katastashs.

Allison said...

I'm so sorry Costas. Thank you for explaining this all so well from a native perspective. I feel for your people - and you're right that a very elitist group of people is bringing destruction and oppression to many. How they are allowed to do this is unthinkable.

In solidarity.. Allison

Loree said...

I do not know what to say. What you've written is right. It is only a matter of time before other countries go through the same thing as Greece. Unbfortunately, the world is in the hands of people who only see ony thing - MONEY - and they will do everything to get it.

✿France✿ said...

Bonsoir oui je vois ces photos et je suis si triste pour vous tous.
Mais que peut on faire pour vous aider
Que peut on faire pour que vous trouviez la paix
QUE FAIRE devant cela!!!!!!!!!!
C'est injuste et l'injustice est là malheureusement.
Je pense à vous et si je pouvais changer ce monde !!!!! je le ferai
J'espére que tout ira bien pour toi
Trop de peine en regardant ces photos

✿France✿ said...

Je ne sais pas quoi faire COSTA
mais je suis là
Je pense à vous tous

இڿڰۣ FLO said...

que de la tristesse il vous faut de l'aide

Serge said...

de tout coeur avec votre peuple
Personne ne doit être traité de cette manière

Anonymous said...

UN texte qui fait mal
Ce texte est un acte de bravoure
oui en effet il faut en parler
Pouvons nous changer votre monde et votre peuple.

Anonymous said...

Hola Costa

lamentablemente el capitalismo despiadado , que destruye a los pueblos.
El mundo lo manejas las corporaciones alli y aqui . abrazos

Anonymous said...

For the past few days I have been watching the news out of Greece ... the protests, the riots. Never have I heard the situation explained in such a clear and concise manner as you have done here. What a volatile and scary situation for a country to be in. I only hope the rest of the world uses this as a wake-up call; something has to give somewhere.

You are in my prayers ... and Robert over at Daily Athens. My heart hurts for your country, even as it fears for the rest of the world.

Montanagirl said...

This is a very well written thought provoking post. I've been watching the news concerning makes me wonder: Is the U.S.A. next in line?

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

I have thought of you often lately and have been wondering how things have been for you. Thank you for the well-written and insightful thoughts.

✿France✿ said...

Je viens te dire bonjour

agrampelli said...

Εξαιρετικό το κείμενο αγαπητέ.Τα σέβη μου.

lotusleaf said...

It is very disturbing. I read your article twice because I see the same trends starting here too.

✿France✿ said...

J’espère que tu vas bien COSTAS!!!

Virginia said...

I applaud you for having the courage to share your thoughts with those of us around the world that must eat what we are fed by the media. More will most certainly follow. Power, money and greed will be the executioners.