Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blood from the heart turning into gold. Το αίμα της καρδιας γίνεται χρυσάφι.

I could have chosen another title. Something like "The skies on fire" But I think this is more proper. Because my heart never left Crete. The photographs from the glorious sunrise on my last morning in Crete. I took these photographs using my 70-300mm zoom lens, at various speed settings and focal length. You can see the results. Better viewed if you click on each photograph to enlarge it. Enjoy.
 Θα μπορούσα να βάλω σαν τίτλο "Οι ουρανοί έπιασαν φωτιά". Αλλά νομίζω πως αυτός που χρησιμοποίησα τελικά ταιριάζει περισσότερο. Επειδή άφησα την καρδιά μου στην Κρήτη. Είναι οι φωτογραφίες που τράβηξα το τελευταίο πρωινό στην Κρήτη. Χρησιμοποίησα αυτή την φορά τον φακό 70-300 χιλ. zoom, σε διαφορετικές ταχύτητες και εστιακές αποστάσεις. Μπορείτε να δείτε τα αποτελέσματα. Θα χαρείτε τις φωτογραφίες καλύτερα αν κάνετε κλίκ πάνω τους και τις μεγενθύνετε.


Sylvia K said...

A glorious way to begin a day indeed, Costas! Such breathtaking captures!! I can understand your heart never leaving Crete! Such a gorgeous place and such wonderful history. It must be hard for you to leave now considering what is happening in Athens. Have a safe week, take care!


Loree said...

I think that you chose the perfect title. After all, the heart dies bleed for those places we love and have to leave behind.

Mona Trixa said...

These are some really stunning shots.
Well done and thanks for the eye candy!

Joop Zand said...

Wonderful pictures Costas,
very well done.

greetings, Joop

Diane AZ said...

It must have been hard to leave that enchanting place. Amazing images, I enjoyed them all!

Anonymous said...

As I enlarged each picture, all I could say was "Oh! Oh! Oh!" What beautiful reasons to get up early!!! I can see why you left your heart behind.

OceanoAzul.Sonhos said...

so, so beautiful, I love the sunset...

TexWisGirl said...

i am sorry you miss crete. those are beautiful, beautiful scenes. like molten lava.

Hilda R.B said...

I love the sunset and the sunrise. And your photos is so great. Well done!
Hilsen Hilda

Anonymous said...

Μια χούφτα θέλω να γεμίσω και να την κρατήσω.....αγγίζοντας τα σύννεφα

Γιαγιά Αντιγόνη said...

Να χαθώ για λίγο ΕΚΕΙ!

Καλημέρα Κωστή!

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Magnificent images, Costas.
Pure joy!

Traveling Hawk said...

Wonderful sunset photos. Congratulations for the series!

Virginia said...

Oh please don't ask me to choose. They are all so beautiful. Bittersweet as this was your last morning.

Out on the prairie said...

A very nice selectoion Costas.

✿France✿ said...

Elles sont splendides ce soleil je le veux aussi bise

Anonymous said...

Magnifique quel plaisir

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful photos! I'm glad you get up this early so we can enjoy the sunrise.

Allison said...

These are beautiful Costas. I was just watching a newscast on Athens and thinking of you! xo

deathii said...

Foveres einai!!! :)

Nefertiti said...

Oo Magnifique !

Μαίρη (Ginger) said...

Πεθαίνω γιά τέτοιους ουρανούς και τέτοια ηλιοβασιλέματα. Οσες φορές και αν τα δω δεν βαριέμαι να τα φωτογραφίζω. Τώρα είμαι ακόμα πιό σίγουρη ότι θέλω να ζήσω όση περισσότερη απ΄τη ζωή μου μπορώ στην Κρήτη. Τα έχει ΟΛΑ!