Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Monday, June 28, 2010

On the mountains of Western Crete (II). Στις Μαδάρες του Αποκόρωνα (IΙ)

One thing that you could find in abudance on the mountains of Crete, is stones. And if one had to build a shelter or whatever other structure, there is plenty of the material. In my future posts, you will have the opportunity to see quite a few of those stone huts, like those shown in the photograph above. No one knows how old they are, or how many generations of the local people have been using them. They are still in use, giving shelter to people and herds, used to make cheese on the mountains and store it till it is ready for commerce.
Ένα πράγμα που υπάρχει σε αφθονία στις Μαδάρες της Δυτικης Κρήτης, είναι η πέτρα. Και αν καποιος θέλει να χτίσει κάτι, δεν χρειάζεται να ψάξει μακρυά. Στις φωτογραφίες μου που τράβηξα εδώ πάνω, θα δείτε πολλές τέτοιες κατασκευές, όλες φτιαγμένες από πέτρα, χωρίς κονίαμα ή άλλο συνδετικό υλικό. Είναι τα περίφημα Μιτάτα και οι κούμοι, καταφύγια για ανθρώπους και ζώα, χώροι αρμέγματος και παρασκευής και ωρίμανσης του τυριού. Πόσο παλιά είναι και πόσες γενιές ντόπιων εξυπηρέτησαν κανείς δεν μπορεί να προσδιορίσει. Πάρα πολλά είναι ακόμη σε χρήση.

Remember my photographs of the Eagle? Now look at the top right corner of the photo above. The white structure is a little church against the rock. I shot the Eagle photographs from up there. On another day of course. And in future posts you will see how it looks around there and how the world looks from up there.
Θυμάστε τις φωτογραφίες του αετού; Κοιτάξτε τώρα στην πάνω δεξιά γωνία της παραπάνω φωτογραφίας. Το άσπρο σημάδι που φαίνεται, είναι ένα εκκλησάκι κολημένο στο βράχο. Εκεί συνάντησα τον αετό μιά άλλη μέρα. Σε επόμενες αναρτήσεις θα δείτε πως είναι ο κόσμος εκει πάνω και πως φαίνεται ο κόσμος από εκεί πάνω.


sebi_2569 said...

nice photo;and nice blog; bravo

Unknown said...

Sure looks stony! How nice to be up in the mountains and have commanding views of the landscape.

Diane AZ said...

Unique, ruggedly beautiful landscape. The stones are attractive and the huts sound fascinating. Thanks for sharing your great pictures.

D.Angel said...

Πολύ όμορφες!
Το εκκλησάκι σκαρφαλωμένο έτσι;;;
Φιλιά πολλά Κωστή
Να σαι καλά

Sylvia K said...

How beautiful! I love the stones and the hut. So many stones and was the first thing I noticed! Your photos are superb as always, Costas! I always feel as though I've visited Greece again. Have a wonderful week!


Δραπέτης said...

Αυτό έιναι φύση!!

This is nature!!

:ρρ ;) :)))

Betty Manousos said...

Love the Cretan bold yet full of trees.βλαστηση.
Βetty :D

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

beautiful mountains..good photos!

55fm said...

Χάρμα οφθαλμών!
Γειά σου Κωστή!

EG CameraGirl said...

The scenery is lovely, Costas. So many stones, that's for sure. I love the evergreens. their interesting shapes. Are they cedars?

Ρίκη Ματαλλιωτάκη said...

Μαδαρες Κρητικες....ανεπανάληπτες!!!!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I am now hungry for something from Greece, cheese sounds good, and I adore olives, actually all Mediterranean foods are my favorites...came simply from your mention of making cheese in those stone huts. How magnificent and can you only begin to imagine the histrionics of those places and the secrets those walls hold. Costas, this is so much fun going along on what your adventure held for you. I love also those large trunked trees, simply breath taking scenery. Have a blessed week~

Autumn Belle said...

You have shown me some splendid views of Greece. The moutains, rocks and stone formations and majestic trees are breathtaking.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when I come to the end of your posts ... because I know I have to return to MY world!

The scenes here are extraordinary - so arid and dry, yet with some low clouds enveloping the hills. I love the stones - both the way nature has put them, and the way mankind has used them. Superb!

Pat Tillett said...

Once more, rugged yet beautiful. It must not be an easy life for the local people.