Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Jewish neighborhood in the old town of Chania. Η Εβραική συνοικία στην παλιά πόλη των Χανίων.

There was a prosperous Jewish community, from many years in the old town of Chania. They were mostly merchants and managed to survive all the different conquerors of the island. That till the Germans came in WWII. A few managed to survive, protected by the local christian population, but most fled the incoming invasion or were perished in the concentration camps or the firing squads. The neighborhood, close to the port, is still known with the old name, denoting the inhabitants, and the old synagogue was reopened recently.
Υπήρχε μια μεγάλη και ακμάζουσα εβραική κοινότητα πρίν από τον πόλεμο στα Χανιά. Ήταν κυρίως πλούσιοι έμποροι και κατάφεραν να επιζήσουν επί πολλούς αιώνες, όποιος και να ήταν ο κυρίαρχος του νησιού. Μέχρι που ήρθαν οι Γερμανοί στον Β΄ ΠΑγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Λίγοι επιβίωσαν κρυμμένοι από τους ντόπιους χριστιανούς, πολλοί έφυγαν και οι υπόλοιποι εξολοθρεύτηκαν στα στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης του Χίτλερ. Η γειτονιά τους, που άρχιζε από το λιμάνι και εκτεινόταν προς τα νότια της παλιάς πόλης, ακόμη και σήμερα είναι γνωστή σαν "Οβριακή". Η παλιά συναγωγή ανακινίστηκε και ξανάνοιξε πρόσφατα.


lotusleaf said...

Very interesting post. The photographs are very evocative.

jennyfreckles said...

Beautiful photos - I love those narrow old streets. What a sad history those stones have witnessed.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...


Sylvia K said...

Such fantastic captures, Costas! It's like walking down each of those narrow little streets, seeing and feeling the history of the area! Thanks as always for a lovely tour and such interesting information! Enjoy your weekend1


Regina said...

Great scenes and captures.
Thank you for sharing. said...

What a neat little town. Where in Greece is it?

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

I guess it is in Crete, right?

Allison said...

The last one is haunting...

D.Angel said...

Είχε πάρει φωτιά
αλλά τη βλέπω μια χαρά τώρα!
Πόσα βράδια δεν σεργιανίσαμε
στα στενά αυτά!

EG CameraGirl said...

Love the narrow ally ways, the natural colours of the bricks, the blue skies and,of course, the water, This area of Chania has so much charm.

Diane AZ said...

Fascinating neighborhood, your pictures show all the interesting architectural details. Looks like the area is still thriving.

Shailaja said...

I am loving this photo tour of Chania.

Jim said...

Beautiful shots of a beautiful location.

Lindz said...

those naroow streets are the ones I cna only see in movie, it's amzing... beautiful captures and colorful too

Betty Manousos said...

I always love your photos, and thanks for sharing! :)
Such an informative post!
Hope you have a great weekend!

I've put today my birthday photos if you liked to see ;o)

Betty Manousos said...


Dianne said...

I love the B&W
and the wonderful wood door
and the small blue window

balamgo said...

They are beautiful photographs. Full of symbolism and color.

Pat Tillett said...

I love the narrow streets and alleys. The town still looks much as it did hundreds of years ago.

Suz said...

sometimes my heart breaks a little with joy.. over your wonderful photos and writings
I find all you write fascinating
and I appreciate the artist's heart that beats within you

Anonymous said...

Wow. These are amazing photos of a beautiful and amazing place.

tapirgal said...

The Jewish quarters are always fascinating and sometimes sad and poignant. They are always well worth a visit.

Paty said...

hi Costas, your pictures are so beautiful. This must be a very interesting neighborhood to visit.