Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Monday, June 21, 2010

At the village on the roots of the mountains. Στο χωριό, στις ρίζες της Μαδάρας.

No matter how much i like the old town of Chania, the place i like to be is the small village at the roots and northern slopes of the White Mountains of Western Crete. The village Tzitzifes, where i was born and spent my childhood years. I want to visit at every single opportunity I have to go there and stay there although my heart bleeds every time as i see it almost deserted empty of the people i used to know or grow up with. Only a few are remaining and most of the houses are not occupied. Of all the houses of my old neighborhood which in my childhood years those houses forming almost one yard where all the children played, only one is occupied now and ours, but only in summer when my mother moves there again to spend a couple of months. Some new houses have been built, others have been purchased by new people and are being restored and renovated, but many remain empty and abandoned after the owners i knew have departed. The area of the village is protected by the Natura Program of the European Union as one of exceptional natural beauty. In this post, and those which will follow, I will show you a few photographs of the village.
Όσο και να μ' αρέσουνε τα Χανιά και το παλιό κομμάτι της πόλης, δεν μπορώ να τα συγκρίνω με το χωριό μου στις ρίζες των Λαυλών Ορέων, τις Μαδάρες της Δυτικής Κρήτης. Το χωριό Τζιτζιφές που γεννήθηκα και πέρασα τα παιδικά μου χρόνια. Σε κάθε ευκαιρία που βρίσκω το επισκέπτομαι και μένω εκεί, όσο κι αν η ψυχή μου ματώνει που το βλέπω άδειο απ' όσους εγνώριζα και έζησα μαζύ. Μόνο λίγα σπίτια κατοικοπύνται ακόμη, άλλα εγκαταλείφτηκαν και ρήμαξαν, όταν, αυτοί που τους έδιναν ζωή, μας άφισαν. μερικά έχουν αγοραστεί από άλλους και έχουν ανακαινιστεί, και έχουνε χτιστεί και καινούρια. Στην παλιά μου γειτονιά όμως ένα μόνο μένει ακόμη ανοικτό, και το δικό μας τα καλοκαίρια που περνά μερικούς μήνες σ' αυτό η μάννα μου. Η περιοχή του χωριού, έχει μπει στο πρόγραμμα Natura και προστατεύεται σαν περιοχή ιδιαιτέρου φυσικού κάλλους. Είναι το χαρακτηριστικό τοπίο της Κρήτης. Σ' αυτήν την ανάρτηση και σ' αυτές που θ' ακολουθήσουν, θα σας δείξω μερικά τοπία της περιοχής και του χωριού.

....and there is always hope.....
...πάντα όμως υπάρχει ελπίδα....


evelina said...

Υπέροχο το χωριό με τα παλια παραδοσιακά σπίτια .Και φανταστικές οι φωτο που εβγαλες.Είναι λυπηρό που τέτοια μέρη αδειάζουν απο τους ανθρώπους και τις χαρούμενες φωνές των παιδιών.

lotusleaf said...

What a beautiful village! Its a pity people are leaving such an idyllic place. In India too, people are leaving villages and moving to cities:( Your new header is fantastic!

Sylvia K said...

A beautiful village indeed! I can understand exactly how you feel and why and it is so sad that people do trade these lovely places for cities! Your photos are marvelous as always, Costas! Thank you for sharing them with us!


Teté M. Jorge said...


Você tira fotos incríveis e escreve sobre os lugares de forma especial!

Ótimo vir aqui...


Ρίκη Ματαλλιωτάκη said...

Δεν το ειχα καν ακουσει....
Ωστοσο, παρα την ομορδια, με γεμισαν θλιψη σημερα οι φωτο σου Κωστη.....

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

beautiful perspectives..regards

Anonymous said...

I do understand your sadness!

Anonymous said...

Απίστευτη ηρεμια!

Αν ειχα σπιτι σε μια τετοια περιοχη, θα περνουσα εκει ολο το Καλοκαιρι!



H ομορφιά που χάνεται
σιγά σιγα και σβήνει
αντε να δούμε στα χωριά
Κωστή τι θ΄ απομείνει.

penny said...

Fabulous photos of beautiful places, Costas.

kiki said...

Πολύ ωραίες! Ειδικά οι τελευταιες!

balamgo said...

Incredible fotos.Se resemble the landscape of my island

Allison said...

One might think Napa Valley... beautiful, Costas.

EG CameraGirl said...

The area is beautiful and I'm glad it's beauty has been recognized by the EU!

James said...

Wow, what a wonderful place. I'd love to be there with my camera. I like your header photo too.

D.Angel said...

Εχω περάσει απ το χωριό σου!
Τόσο γραφικό!
Μελαγχόλησα πάλι!
Φιλιά πολλά

Suz said...

Oh boy Costas, this must be your week for blogger awards...I have chosen to pass one along to you
Kreativ Blogger award..
I want others to find and enjoy your love of life and your wonderful photos...

Anonymous said...

Even from a distance there is a kind of quiet somberness to this place. So sad that it has changed so much for you ...

I love that last photo - "hope" - with the bird flying out of the hole in the wall by the broken window. It speaks to my heart.

Anonymous said...

My english is not good - but now I'll try a little exstra:
My childhood town is opposite yours grown so great/big that I could go several days without reaching the city's end - I would also hardly find meeting more than max 2 persons from my past!!!
Only few old buildings are left, but the people who lives there now, loves the big, modern centers, and do not support the small, old shops in midtcity :(