Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Amaliapolis, Greece. Αμαλιάπολη (Μιντζέλα) Μαγνησίας.

Another small, picturesque village by the sea in central Greece is Amaliapolis. A century ago, the borders between Greece and Turkey were here. Now it is a quiet village, a little far away from the main road from Athens to northern Greece. It is a fishing village and one can enjoy the seafood and quietness of the place.
Η Αμαλιάπολη Μαγνησίας. Ένα μικρό ψαροχώρι στον Παγασητικό. Ονομάστηκε έτσι προς τιμήν της βασίλισσας Αμαλίας που την επισκέφτηκε όταν τα σύνορα του Ελληνικού κράτους εκείνης της εποχής, έφταναν μέχρι εδώ. Μέχρι τότε ονομαζόταν Μιτζέλα. Εδώ υπάρχει πολλη ησυχία και πολύ καλό και φρέσκο ψάρι.


Sylvia K said...

Another delightful, beautiful place! I would love to have my morning coffee at one of those tables and enjoy the view! Marvelous post as always, Costas! Enjoy your weekend!


Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

What a beautiful spot with as much blue water as sky. Excellent photos.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Teté M. Jorge said...

Costas, I really like coming here on your blog. You share many beautiful photos, lovely ... many places very nice story to read.

Excuse my lack of comments, but I always come here to "see" you!

Thank you very much for providing us with beautiful moments.


A warm hug from Brazil.

Nefertiti said...

j aimerais allee en grece un jour ca a l air d etre un pays magnifique !

bon w end

Out on the prairie said...

Charming area, the water is so blue.

Planthunter said...

WOW I've never been on the sea .... I should change ... great photos ... green greetings Sandra

jennyfreckles said...

It looks a lovely place to have a meal and watch the sea.

TheChieftess said...


Adela said...

Miss the sea! Thank you for the photos!!!

Berit said...

Beautiful pictures Costas.

Have a nice evening.


Anonymous said...

Love the blues today!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Ρίκη Ματαλλιωτάκη said...

Την καλησπέρα μου!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Very nice series of lovely images Costas. Have a delightful Sunday~

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful photos, Costas!
Love the blue water and the houses sitting on the cliff above it...

Anonymous said...

Έτσι οπως βλεπω τη θαλασσα, μου ερχεται να βουτηξω!

