Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Playing. Παιγνίδια.

The sun is playing hide and seek with the clouds a little before the sunset.
And I am playing with my lens and with the colors.
Ο ήλιος παίζει το κρυφτούλι με τα σύννεφα, λίγο πριν το ηλιοβασίλεμμα.
Κι εγώ με τον φακό και με τα χρώματα.


ShySongbird said...

Lovely sky shots, Costas! The angle of the last few made me a little dizzy :)

I'm so sorry to see the troubles your country is suffering and for the tragic loss of life in the fire, my thoughts are with you and your fellow countrymen.

Thank you for your good wishes regarding my recent surgery, that was very kind of you :)

James said...

The sky looks beautiful and I can tell you were having fun. :)

Anonymous said...

I could see these excellent photos in a collage - hanging on a wall - a poster - a calendar - They are AMAZING! I was trying to pick a favorite, but I love them ALL!!!

tapirgal said...

I haven't tried this experiment yet with all of the settings. It's a good idea. It looks like fun. You got some beautiful results making the most of a cloudy day.

balamgo said...

Bonitas y originales fotos.
Un saludo.

Cezar and Léia said...

wow it's poetry my friend, well done, these pictures are fabulous! :)
thanks for so beuatiful inspiration!

joanna said...

The Sunset Costas looks like a beautiful water colored sky painted with the Creators paint brush -- and each day the divine in nature repeats it's stellar performance for us when we take the time to look up and appreciate the world we live in as you are doing taking these sublime photos and now get another repeat performance as we look at these photos of yours and see the miracle of the sun and earth do its dance swirling in space around each other as it has been doing for hundreds of thousands of years.

this may be a duplicate -- it did not appear to go through the first time... sorry.

Sylvia K said...

Such beautiful photos and lovely colors! And, yes I, too, can tell you are having a wonderful time! And that's what life is all about!! Enjoy! And we will enjoy your photos! Have a great week, take care and enjoy, Costas!


Betty Manousos said...

Wonderful sunsets and skies!

Anonymous said...

You are a real magician ;-)

Unknown said...

It's amazing how much a difference a small change in colour can make. Great shots Costas!

Brenda's Arizona said...

And you are playing too, Costas! What fun, for you and for us.

Μαίρη (Ginger) said...

τη δεύτερη απ'το τελος τη λατρεψα