Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Doves. Περιστέρια.


Sylvia K said...

Oh, I love the pigeons, Costas! What delightful photos! And the little tiny bird is so cute!! Enjoy your weekend!


Richard said...

Hey, Kostas, You are an early blogger, hehe. Have a nice weekend also!

Maia T said...

They are so lovely. Nice photos Costas.

Jim said...

That's a lot of pigeons.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Betty Manousos said...

I have to admit that your dove pictures are better than mine
I'm jealous!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Μόνο τις κουτσουλιές τους φοβάμαι...



evelina said...

Τι γλυκουλια!!!Φοβερά!!!πολύ ωραίες οι φωτό σου.Καλή σου μέρα

penny said...

Nice shots and shadows of the pigeons and doves, Costas.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

nice captures!! bv

Diane AZ said...

Beautiful dove images. Looks like it was a nice sunny day, I like the shadows.

Dianne said...

fabulous shadows flitting around the pigeons
I love the brown pigeon
and the tiny bird!!

Mette Larsens fotografier said...

great captured of the doves. Funny to think about taht doves are bit universial , Even we here afre up in north norway have them :)

Thalassenia said...

Αυτηρός κριτής, περίεργος ή κουτσομπόλης ο τελευταίος φίλος περιστέρης;
Πολύ όμορφα όλα.

Καλό βράδυ.

SquirrelQueen said...

Wonderful photos of the doves Costas, you captured them well. The little bird hanging out with the doves is so cute. My favorite is the last photo, the dove is watching you.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Costas~ Doves, Pigeons, both in same family , all delightful characters, so gentle and they treat us to such enjoyment. Lovely share Costas. Hope all is well, have a great weekend~

Suz said...

Oh such photos...that little sparrow among them was the best!

Virginia said...

Not a fan of pigeons but that bottom one is looking at all of us! HA

Anonymous said...

I have to say - I hope everyone who sees your pictures takes the time to enlarge them - I do every time. What seems to be ordinary bird pictures become magical and extraordinary when viewed closer. These are stunning!!!

Betty Manousos said...

Great captures! thanks!

tapirgal said...

A lot of people don't like pigeons, but I agree with Sylvia. I love them! I always like seeing their photos.

TracyT said...

Great shots, Costas...I think the last one is wondering what you want now? lol! Tracy