Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Acropolis Museum. Το Μουσείο της Ακρόπολης

After yesterdays break, I will show you a few photographs taken outside the new Acropolis Museum of Athens.
Note the reflections of Acropolis and the surrounding buildings, of the glass panes of the Museum, and the transparent glass floor leading to the entrance of the Museum.
Μετά το χθεσινό διαλειμμα, θα σας παρουσιάσω μερικές φωτογραφίες από το εξωτερικό του νέου Μουσείου της Ακρόπολης. Προσέξτε τις αντανακλάσεις της Ακρόπολης πάνω στα τζάμια του μουσείου και το γυάλινο πάτωμα του διαδρόμου που οδηγεί στην είσοδο.


Sylvia K said...

Marvelous captures as always, Costas! I do love the tour you have taken us on today! Love the reflections. Your photographic tours are the very next best thing to being there! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!


Anne said...

YES!!! I have bben there once, and therefor it was so great to watch your pictures now, years after.

What I remember the most, the heat my friend.

Hugs from Anne in Norway.

fotolucian said...

Frumoase locuri,arhitectura este superba,felicitari,bune cadre.

Diane AZ said...

Fantastic photo tour, Costas! The reflections are an interesting blend of new and old architecture.

tapirgal said...

The museum looks outstanding - just perfect to preserve and display all that historic beauty - it's quite a gem, and you really showed us what it's like. I'm often amazed at how poorly some museum web sites show what they are really about. It takes creative and dedicated bloggers and photographers to enhance the web and really show us what it's like. You did a great job!

joanna said...

The juxtaposition of the two worlds side by side is surreal -- even in the photos you took one can still see it is very much a scared site. Splendid photography.



Μνημείο είν΄αντάξιο
με τον πολιτισμό μας
που κάνει υπερήφανο
σήμερα το λαό μας.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the architects have done the job perfect! Great photos ;-)

Anonymous said...

Πολύ όμορφες φωτογραφίες από έναν πολύ όμορφο χώρο!

Και καλά που μου το θύμισες! πρέπει να πάω μια απο αυτες τις μέρες!


Richard said...

Thank You, Kostas.I hope the Trojan Horse of crisis will not enter Your polis.

Pat Tillett said...

I love your photos and stories.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love these photos! They give a really good view of both worlds.

James said...

These are really nice. I think perfect for Weekend Reflections.

Betty Manousos said...

That is a great museum.
You really took great shots, Costas.
Betty :)

Maia T said...

Fantastic images of the museum. So many beautiful reflections on the glass facade. The glass floor is an ideal place to play with reflections too.

Tom-Canada said...

Fantastic photos.