Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Friday, December 10, 2010

A modern winery in northern Greece. Ένα σύγχρονο οινοποιείο στην βόρειο Ελλάδα.

 I am not easily impressed by commercials and advertisements, but this time I was. I had heard about this winery before, and while I was in the area, I decided to visit Alpha Estate, near Amyndeon in northern Greece. It is a modern wine producing estate, and it must be maybe the best in Greece and one of the best in Europe. From the grape producing fields to the smallest detail in wine producing facilities.
 Δεν εντυπωσιάζομαι εύκολα από φήμες και διαφημίσεις, αλλά αυτή τη φορά την έπαθα. Είχα ακούσει για το Κτήμα Άλφα και μια που βρισκόμουνα στην περιοχή του Αμυνταίου της Φλώρινας, είπα να το επισκεφτώ. Είναι ένα σύγχρονο οινοποιείο και πρέπει νάναι το καλύτερο στην Ελλάδα και από τα πιο μοντέρνα και αρτιότερα στην Ευρώπη. Σε όλη την διαδικασία της παραγωγής του κρασιού. Από τους φροντισμένους αμπελώνες δίπλα στις εγκαταστάσεις, μέχρι την τελευταία λεπτομέρεια μέσα στο οινοποιείο.
 A couple of views of the well kept and groomed vineyards.
 Απόψεις των φροντισμένων αμπελώνων.
 Next to the lake Vegoritis. Δίπλα στην λίμνη Βεγορίτιδα.
 Some views of the facilities inside the estate.
 Μερικές απόψεις των εγκαταστάσεων μέσα στο κτίριο.
 Wine bottles packed for export. Μπουκάλια κρασί συσκευασμένα για εξαγωγή.
 Displaying the flag. Ετικέτες.
 After fermentation, wine stays here and is constantly monitored to maturity before it is put in the bottle.
 Μετά την ζύμωση, το κρασί μεταφέρεται και παρακολουθείται εδώ συνεχώς, μέχρι την ωρίμανση στα βαρέλια. Μετά θα πάρει το δρόμο για τα μπουκάλια.
 Some of the prizes and awards from wine and foods exhibitions .
 Μερικά από τα βραβεία που έχουνε συλλεχθεί από εκθέσεις οίνων και τροφίμων.
And at last, the time for the wine tasting. The red wines first. Then the whites. This is where I was most impressed. I am not good at the technical terms the expert wine tasters are using, but I must tell you I wish I could buy a few cases of every label. I suggest you visit the site of Alpha Estate and check on the different kinds of wines produced yourself.

Η ώρα της δοκιμής. Πρώτα τα κόκκινα κρασιά και μετά τα λευκά. Εδώ πραγματικά εντυπωσιάστηκα από την ποιότητα και την γεύση. Δεν γνωρίζω τους τεχνικούς όρους που χρησιμοποιούν οι δοκιμαστές κρασιών, αλλά σας λέω πως μακάρι να μπορούσα να πάρω μερικά κιβώτια από κάθε ετικέτα. Θα συνιστούσα να επισκεφτείτε τον δικτυακό τόπο του Κτήματος Άλφα, για να δείτε τις διάφορες ετικέτες της παραγωγής.


Costea Andrea Mihai said...

last week i see TV reportage from the same area..beautiful places!!

Ola said...

Lately I prefer white:)

Dawn said...

I would have enjoyed that tour....and the testing:)
Lately I have become obsessed with finding just The Right wine. One day I may find it. Until then...I will take the tours...thanks for this one!

Babzy.B said...

I have to admit than not only French can produce good wines ;)have a nice weekend !

Cezar and Léia said...

Amazing reportage about this winery!We always enjoy a lot the delicious wine from Greece!

What Karen Sees said...

What a wonderful tour. You have documented this winery so well. Great images. Have a lovely weekend.

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific and very interesting and informative post! I would love to visit the winery! Don't know if I can find any of their wine here, but I'm going to be looking and have written down all the info you've been kind enough to include! Hope you have a great weekend, Costas!


jennyfreckles said...

It looks so clean and organised - & I'd love to taste that wine. We don't see much Greek wine here.

Out on the prairie said...

Like the different sized bottles in a row. I haven't tried many wines from Greece , other than Retsina.

Anonymous said...

What a story with great photos, Costas! Red wine was my favourit years ago, but suddenly I became ill every time, so bye-bye; I have tried two times later, but my body said no thanks. White wine is a lot bigger problem to find a good/tasty one, so I enjoy always just water to the food - and is a populare driver *LOL*

Nefertiti said...

Merci de la visite de cette belle cave ;O)

TheChieftess said...

Love the greens in the photos inside the winery!!!

Berit said...

Amazing place. I really liked your pictures from inside. Interesting post from you again Costas.
Have a nice weekend:)
Greetings, Berit.

Ileana said...

You make me crave the red wine. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.

Betty Manousos said...

I linked to you today!!

Anonymous said...

What a sparkling clean and beautiful place - not a bottle out of place! I don't drink much wine, but dang it, right now I'm thirsty for some!

Amelia & Mihai-Stefan CHIRCA said...

Very interesting visit! Thanks!

Joop Zand said...

Nice serie pictures,
well done.....i like wine, specially the red one.

Greetings, Joop

Unknown said...

Learn more about modern Greek wine on