Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kinsterna. A beautiful hotel near Monemvasia. Κινστέρνα. Ένα όμορφο ξενοδοχείο κοντά στην Μονεμβασιά.

While I was in Monemvasia, I was staying at a beautiful hotel, Kinsterna, situated on the hills, a few kilometers south of the castle. The owners of the place took a couple of old buildings and renovated them, the surrounding land, made some additions and adding their personal touch and love of the environment, made a beautiful place where the guests may feel at home and have a great time while staying there at any time, all year round. The interference with the environment and the final result, should be used as an example and guideline, of how things should be done. I could not resist not to make a series of posts on the hotel, and show what one can do when he has respect, love and passion for the land and nature.
Όσο βρισκόμουν στην Μονεμβασιά, έμενα σ' ένα πανέμορφο ξενοδοχείο, την Κινστέρνα, που βρίσκεται στους λόφους, λίγο πιο νότια από το κάστρο. Οι ιδιοκτήτες του χώρου, πήραν μερικά παλιά κτίσματα και την γή που τα περιβάλλει, τα ανακαίνισαν και έκαναν προσθήκες και επεμβάσεις με συνέπεια ένα καταπληκτικό τελικό αποτέλεσμα, όπου ο επισκέπτης αισθάνεται όμορφα όλες τις εποχές του χρόνου. Οι επεμβάσεις στο περιβάλλον, θα μπορούσαν να χρησιμοποιηθούν σαν οδηγός για το πώς πρέπει να γίνονται τα πράγματα. Δεν μπορούσα ν' αντισταθώ στον πειρασμό να μην κάνω μερικές αναρτήσεις σχετικές με το ξενοδοχείο, για να σας δείξω τι μπορεί να πετύχει κανείς όταν έχει σεβασμό, αγάπη και πάθος για την γή και την φύση.
The word "kinsterna" was used in the times of the Byzantine Empire, to denote a cistern, or a tank, built to collect water for irrigation or for the needs of a building or a town. We have the beautiful example of "Basilica Kinsterna" in Constantinople. It looks like that the same word was used to identify the area of south-eastern Peloponnese (where the castle of Monemvasia is) at the same period as there are historical references, of the "Thema of Kinsterna" or the "County of Kinsterna".
Η λέξη "Κινστέρνα" χρησιμοποιήθηκε κατά τους Βυζαντινούς χρόνους για τον προσδιορισμό μιας δεξαμενής ή στέρνας για την συλλογή νερού και τις ανάγκες άρδευσης ή ύδρευσης μιας πόλης ή ενός κτιρίου. Έχομε το υπέροχο παράδειγμα της "Βασιλικής Κινστέρνας" της Κωσταντινούπολης. Φαίνεται όμως πως η ίδια λέξη χρησιμοποιήθηκε την ίδια περίοδο για τον προσδιορισμό της περιοχής της σημερινής Λακωνίας και της Μάνης, επειδή έχομε ιστορικές αναφορές στο "Θέμα της Κινστέρνας" δηλαδή την "Επαρχία της Κινστέρνας".
In my future posts, I will show you more of the hotel, its gardens and grounds, the surrounding area, and some photographs of the activities and happenings which took place while I was there.
Σε προσεχείς αναρτήσεις, θα σας δείξω περισσότερα από το ξενοδοχείο, τους κήπους και την γύρω περιοχή, και μερικές φωτογραφίες από εκδηλώσεις και συμβάντα όσο βρισκόμουν εκεί.


Ola said...

The castle is fascinating and we are thinkink to visit it when we will in the continental part, so maybe we will stay there. Waiting for your further pictures of the hotel. Greetings!

Helen said...

The castle and the hotel photos are very nice. Also I like your new profile picture very much.

kiki said...

Όντως δείχνει πανέμορφο! Και οι βραδυνές φωτό σούπερ!

Out on the prairie said...

What a great find!

evelina said...

το καλύτερο για χαλάρωση...πανέμορφες οι φωτό ειδικά η τελευταία...καλό μήνα και καλή βδομάδα

Sylvia K said...

What a gorgeous place! I love it and would love to be able to visit there! Marvelous post and photos as always, Costas. I really like what you've done with the new look to your blog! Terrific! Hope you have a lovely evening and a great week ahead! Enjoy!


Magia da Inês said...

Olá, querido amigo!
Tudo no seu blog é imponente... porque você é um exelente fotógrafo da natureza!...
Mas... hoje é só alegria...
Feliz Halloween!!!

Gry said...

Your header is fantastic! I also liked that beautiful swimmingpool. Great place to stay.

TheChieftess said...

Kinsterna looks like a beautiful hotel to stay in while visiting such a beautiful and interesting area!!! You certainly live in a gorgeous country Costas!!!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

What a great place. You find the most interesting and beautiful spots for photos and accomodations to match.

Darryl and Ruth : )

jennyfreckles said...

It looks beautiful. I especially like the night shots.

Allison said...

Very beautiful and noble, as always Costas. I am taken with the beauty of your language in its written form... it is so lovely! (on the hotel sign)

Adela said...

The last one and the image with the sunset I like best!!! Great!

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely gorgeous. You are right - it certainly shows pride of the past, and unity with its surroundings.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

OMG! Your new header photo is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen! Outstanding photos as usual.

TheChieftess said...

I agree!!! The new banner photo is really beautiful!!!

Aristi Resort said...


Nice pictures, Kinsterna is a beautiful hotel provide many facilities to the visitors. It placed in the hill with memorable scenery. Thanks a lot...

Epirus Hotels

Travel Planner said...


Just wanted to thank you. We spent 4 days in Monemvasia in Feb.and it was wonderful. Unless you are on a really tight budget I would recommend staying in the Kinsterna. We stayed at Kinsterna and had a wonderful room, beautiful views, the hosts were great and in the summer it's a sort walk to a little swimming hole. The hike up to the old city is best done at sunset for the temperatures and the views.