Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kamena Vourla in winter. Τα Καμένα Βούρλα τον χειμώνα.

It has been one of the most popular places for holidays in Greece for many years now. Especially for the middle aged and older people, pensioners and those not seeking adventure, as it has thermal springs, spas, and calm seas to swim in summer. In summer, its streets, the cafes and tavernas by the sea, are busy and full of people at all times day and night. Now the place looks sad, as it is so deserted and empty. Form me, is is always an obligatory stop, as it lies along the main road to the places I like to in central and northern Greece, and it is almost halfway. So I never miss the chance to take a small detour and get off the motorway and have a coffee and a snack there, by the sea, summer and winter.
Πόσο διαφορετικά είναι το χειμώνα!.. Το καλοκαίρι πάντα γεμάτα ζωή και κίνηση και τον χειμώνα άδεια και έρημα. Αλλά για μένα είναι πάντα μια υποχρεωτική στάση οταν περνώ από εκει και πάω προς τα βόρεια. Ο καφές δίπλα στην θάλασσα χειμώνα καλοκαίρι, έχει άλλη γεύση.


Cezar and Léia said...

This is a beautiful city and your pictures are wonderful.The weather here is not so good, rainy days...
Have a great week ahead and thanks for your always so gentle comments!

Anonymous said...

It looks so chilly and empty - the perfect place to get a hot cup of chocolate and kick back! I'd love to walk those empty beaches ...

Joop Zand said...

Nice shots with lovely autumn colors...... well done Costas.

greetings, Joop

Sylvia K said...

It does look cold, but so beautiful! The perfect pictures of fall with all its beautiful colors! Love the foggy mountains, too! Hope you've had a good weekend, Costas, and a good week ahead!


TexWisGirl said...

skies are murky, seas are gray, but still beautiful!

Rob Siemann said...

Enchanting, even in the winter. That's just before Lamia, if I remember well?

Magia da Inês said...

As praias gregas mesmo no inverno e deserta ainda continuam muito bonitas.
Boa semana!

Gry said...

Strange to see one a Greek village so empty of people!


ακόμα και το χειμώνα όμορφο είναι! ή εσύ τόσο όμορφα το αποτύπωσες!

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Wonderful images, Costas. I love seeing places like this in the winter months.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Next time you visit there...have a coffee on me;~) Lovely places tucked in memories and a hope to return to them often~

Virginia said...

The b right yellow trees along the shore are beautiful Costas. I'd like to sit there and watch the swimmers or the walkers in winter. I can see why you always stop along here.

magda said...

Λοιπόν, εμένα αυτές οι εικόνες με συναρπάζουν!
Ησυχία, κίτρινα φύλλα, αχνοφαίνονται τα βουνά!!! Μια υπέροχη φύση, που την αποτύπωσες εξαιρετικά με τον φακό σου!
Καληνύχτα Κωστή!

Pat Tillett said...

It looks like a beautiful little town! Maybe it's just resting up for better weather and big crowds.