Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Friday, March 18, 2011

A tree with a view. Ένα δένδρο με θέα.

It took my internal clock several days to adapt to the time difference between California and Greece and overcome the jet lag. The first week I was in the States, I was getting up at odd hours, when everyone else was asleep. There was nothing better to do than take my coffee and go out to the patio and enjoy the nature awaking and catch the first rays of the sun, as they were hitting the upper branches of the surrounding trees. And there were others also, enjoying the first rays of the sun.
Χρειάστηκαν αρκετές μέρες για να μπορέσει το εωτερικό μου ρολόι να προσαρμοστεί στην  διαφορά της ώρας ανάμεσα στην Ελλάδα και την Καλιφόρνια. Την πρώτη βδομάδα που ήμουν στις ΗΠΑ, ξύπναγα κάτι περίεργες ώρες, όταν ο υπόλοιπος κόσμος ακόμη ήταν στο κρεββάτι. Δεν είχα λοιπόν τίποτα καλύτερο να κάνω από το να πάρω τον καφέ μου και να βγώ στον κήπο να χαρώ τις πρώτες ακτίνες του ήλιου όπως έπεφταν στα ψηλότερα κλαδιά των δένδρων. Αλλά υπήρχαν και άλλοι που απολάμβαναν τον πρωινό ήλιο.
This pair of squirrels were feeling really playful and sexy early in the morning. They did not seem to mind the raven watching them from close up.
Αυτό το ζευγάρι τα σκιουράκια φαίνεται πως είχαν όρεξη για παγνίδια νωρίς το πρωί. Και δεν τα ένοιαζε που ο κόρακας τα παρακολουθούσε από δίπλα.


Regina said...

Fantastic captures!
Happy weekend.

Berit said...

Great pictures Costas:)
Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

Πολύ χαριτωμένα......καλά να περνάς

Allison said...

I love squirrels. They remind me of my parents' home in the midwest. Happy and carefree!

Diane AZ said...

I grew up in California and loved watching tree squirrels play. Great captures, they look amazing in the golden light with blue sky.

Out on the prairie said...

That morning light has a charm to add to photos.

Thalassenia said...

Με τούτα και με ΄κείνα έχασα το ταξίδι σου. Θα πω ότι σε ζήλεψα και θα το δω αναδρομικά.

Καλά να είσαι πάντα.

TexWisGirl said...

Early morning escapades. :) The bird was just as calm as can be.

Sylvia K said...

Lovely way to start your day and your photos are a lovely way to start my day!! Beautiful birds and blue, blue skies! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Costas!


Betty Manousos said...

I love these shots!!

I love the lighting.

Now I'm off to Coula's blog. See you there!

Have great weekend my friend!

Virginia said...

HA! We have lots of squirrels here but the ones in my yard aren't so "amorous"! :)

Hilda R.B said...

I love squirrels. But we don`t have this in our region. You got many nice images of the squirrels.

Joop Zand said...

Prima Photo's Costas

Wish you a nice weekend, Joop

Montanagirl said...

Nice shots! Have a great weekend.

Pat Tillett said...

Very nice! Early morning is my favorite time of day, but I'm not usually up at that time...

Anonymous said...

What a couple of adorable trapeze artists! How fun to be able to watch them in their antics.