Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The gardens. Οι κήποι.

Around the hotel, and the swimming pool fruit and vegetables are growing organically.
Γύρω από το ξενοδοχείο και την πισίνα φρούτα και λαχανικά καλλιεργούνται οργανικά.


Sylvia K said...

Fantastic photos as always, Costas, and the fruits and vegetables look delicious! Marvelous captures as always! Hope you have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

the last one is a pomp?

nice day

like the photo at your profile...u are so cute

Allison said...

Is that butternut I see lying in the field? If it is.. it makes a delicious soup!

✿France✿ said...

BONJOUR e bien superbe jardin et de trés belles photos aussi. C'est donc ton jardin que je vois là!
Tu en as de la chance car j'aimerai aussi avoir un jardin. MAIS je ne peux pas tout avoir et non. Je te souhaite une très belles journée de légumes bisou


Πανέμορφοι οι κήποι σου
η ομορφιά της φύσης
όμορφη η ιδέα σου
να τ΄ αποθανατήσεις.

Την καλημέρα μου Κωστή

Anonymous said...

If the hotel foods don't become you well, you don't need to go hungry to bed - just visit the hotel garden ;-)

Anonymous said...

Τα θέλω όλα να τα γευτώ!!!


Ειδικά καρπούζι! Μου έλειψε!

(Καρπόυζι δεν είναι;)

Ryan said...

wow you have amazing fresh fruit only a hand pick away, you are lucky to live in such a rich country.

Berit said...

Such a lovely garden. Very exotic to me.
Have a nice evening Costas:)
Greetings from Berit.

Anonymous said...

That has to be the most deliciously beautiful garden I've seen!

Betty Manousos said...

Terrific photos!
They put me in the best of moods!

Have a great time!

B :)

Thalassenia said...

Αθάνατη Ελληνική γή!!!

Unknown said...

Great Photos! Makes me hungry :-p!

D.Angel said...


Loree said...

What a lovely place. Is that an olive tree in the first photo? It looks so fascinatingly gnarled.

Adela said...

You and your trips... Uf... :)
Nice pics!!!

Virginia said...

You capture it all so well. I wish I could be at your elbow!

Chrissie said...

Hello, thank you for visiting our blog. I love to see gardens around the world, so interesting!

SquirrelQueen said...

The hotel has a wonderful garden, I would rather see this than a manicured lawn. If they use all the fresh fruits and vegetables in their kitchen the food must have been delicious.

Babzy.B said...

what a nice place , the fruits and veggies looks so yummy :)

✿France✿ said...

ICI aussi il pleut a gogo
bye et merci encore