Photographs of nature, places and objects that have caught my eye.

Φωτογραφίες απο την φύση, απο τόπους και αντικείμενα που μου χτύπησαν στο μάτι.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Some winter colors. Geraniums and cyclamens. Μερικά χειμωνιάτικα χρώματα. Γεράνια και κυκλάμινα.


✿France✿ said...

COSTAS bonsoir
Et merci pour tes superbes fleurs
tes superbes couleurs
Tes photos sont si belles
si tu voyais mes yeux
QUEL plaisir de venir chez toi
J'espère que tout va bien pour toi

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful splashes of color for winter!

இڿڰۣ FLO said...

elles sont parfaites

Montanagirl said...

Oh my goodness! The colors are just breathtaking! A very welcome sight when I reached your blog this morning. It's gray and wintery here, not much snow yet though.

Anonymous said...

The colors really are breathtaking - I especially love the cyclamen (maybe because of the heart-shaped leaves???) :=}

Sylvia K said...

Such exquisite flowers and breathtaking colors! Your captures are superb, Costas! As always, you do capture the beauty. I feel I could almost touch the petals! Wonderful! Enjoy your weekend!


Thalassenia said...

Tα ίδια κυκλάμινα φωτογραφισαμε;)))

Dianne said...

they're all so pretty
the reds are all very vivid yet the pale purple color is favorite

Traveling Hawk said...

The first red Geranium is wonderful!

Birdman said...

What color!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Wow, what vibrant color and perfect detail. Excellent shots.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Pat Tillett said...

Love those colors! Very nice...