Friday, March 16, 2012

London U.K. Walking along the banks of river Thames. Λονδίνο Η.Β.Περπατώντας στις όχθες του Τάμεση.

I have been coming and going to and from England since the early 70's. Either for studies or for work. Spending there long periods of time. Up to two years at one time. One of the things I did not like there was the weather. This was the first time I went there for the weekend and found such beautiful spring weather. Sunny and warm, unlike the typical English weather. So I spent most of the time outside, walking the streets and parks. I did not spent much time indoors, except to visit some friends and see the Tate Gallery. At around noon, Sunday, after visiting the Gallery, decided to walk along the banks of the river towards the Parliament and Westminster. It was a nice walk.
Πηγαινοέρχομαι στην Αγγλία από τις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 70. Άλλες φορές για δουλειά και άλλες για σχολές και εκπαιδεύσεις. Έχω μείνει εκεί για μεγάλα χρονικά διαστήματα, μέχρι δυο χρόνια. Ένα πράγμα που δεν μ' άρεσε ποτέ ήταν ο καιρός. Αυτή τη φορά όμως ο καιρός ήταν καταπληκτικός. Λιακάδα και υψηλές για την εποχή θερμοκρασίες πλόκληρο το Σαββατοκύριακο που έμεινα εκεί. Και έτσι πέρασα όλη την ώρα στους δρόμους. Εκτός από μια επίσκεψη σε φίλους και στην Γκαλερί Τέιτ.
Την Κυριακή, μετά την επίσκεψη στην Γκαλερί, είπα να συνεχίσω την βόλτα στο ποτάμι, πρός το κοινοβούλιο και το Γουεστμίνστερ. Άξιζε η βόλτα.


  1. This post was like the cruise on Thames! I particularly like the photo with the London Eye in the background.

  2. It does indeed look like you had a nice walk Costas. Those images are lovely. My husband's brother and his wife are in London and then on to Paris this week. What fun that would be~

  3. And you captured it beautifully in your photos!

  4. You were lucky to have such fine weather I think. I love taking long walks with my camera too!
    Bon weekend Costas,

  5. I have been amazed at the blue skies in your captures from London!! Not the usual by any means and how fortunate you were to enjoy such great weather! I've enjoyed your walk along the Thames and your photos are superb, Costas, as always. I do hope you have a good weekend!


  6. πραγματικά ήσουνα πολύ τυχερός!

  7. COUCOU tu vas bien!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Elle est splendide cette roue par contre je ne monterai pas dessus non non je préfère te laisser ma place rire
    Et ce pont oui sur tes photos je le trouve si beau et je vois des personnes qui font du sport
    DU CANOË un sport que je pratique aussi mais pas assez souvent
    Merci pour ce beau voyage COSTAS BISOU

  8. absolutely love seeing these london photos.
    very well captured!

    wishing a great weekend!

  9. Nice photos and weather! I like London no mater what the weather is like. :)

  10. Suas fotografias são maravilhosas... em Londres ou na Grécia... são sempre geniais.
    Bom fim de semana!
    Aguardo sua visitinha, quando puder:
