Sunday, October 2, 2011


There is a moment when everything reaches the end of its cycle of life. And slowly returns to where it has started its life. The earth. Which is claiming us all. Only, some of us have not realized it yet and behave as if we are immortal.
Έρχεται κάποια στιγμή που κάθε πράγμα φτάνει στο τέλος του κύκλου της ζωής του. Και σιγά σιγά επιστρέφει εκεί που ξεκίνησε ο κύκλος αυτός. Την γη. Που μας διεκδικεί όλους. Μόνο που μερικοί από εμάς δεν τόχουμε καταλάβει ακόμη. Και συμεριφερόμαστε σαν νάμαστε αθάνατοι.


  1. Thats a old one.....good picture Costas.

  2. Good illustration of the theme, Costas! I like especially the last photo.

    As for the text, I completely agree with you. I do not speak about youngsters, it is normal for them to think like this, but among those who have aged, there are enough who seem to think as you said...

  3. So introspective, Costas. I love this. A wonderful post for this Sunday.

  4. Some mornings I feel as rusty as this old truck Costas! I love how the vines seem to be embracing it. It almost appears that it was running down the road and just quit and no one moved it from that spot. I love rusty things. A nice find.
    Bon dimanche,

  5. What goes around, comes around. Rust never sleeps.

  6. i do like your thoughts on this. :)

  7. Αναρωτιέμαι αν υπάρχει θέμα που να μην το παρουσιάσεις έτσι ώστε να το κάνεις ιδιαίτερα ενδιαφέρον. Δεν νομίζω ότι απλά βλέπεις τα πράγματα από καλή οπτική γωνία αλλά μάλλον όλα μεταμορφώνονται μέσα απ'το φακό σου. Η φωτογραφία σαν τέχνη σου ταιριάζει. Καλή βδομάδα γιά αύριο.

  8. What a terrific and, oh so true, post for the day, Costas! I know just how the truck feels!! Love your thoughts and the last capture in particular! Have a great evening.


  9. Querido amigo,
    Suas fotos são sempre interessantes e bonitas.
    Convido você para uma visitinha no meu blog.
    Boa semana!
