Friday, July 22, 2011

The Monastery of Madonna of The Myrtles in Kythera. Το Μοναστήρι της Παναγίας της Μυρτιδιώτισσας στα Κύθηρα.

On the way to the old Monastery, we drove through this hole in the rock. I thought I should include this also. The Monastery is at the southern part of the island. It is very old and was founded after an icon of Madonna was found near some myrtle bushes. There are are two churches inside the yard. The old one and a newer above it. I was not allowed to take photographs from inside the churches. Only a shot of a chapel. The yard of the monastery is cool and beautiful with all the flowers and threes and the myrtle bushes in full bloom now.
Ο δρόμος για το μοναστήρι περνά απο αυτήν την στενή τρύπα στον βράχο. Είπα να την βάλω κι αυτήν ανάμεσα στις άλλες φωτογραφίες. Το μοναστήρι είναι στο νότιο μέρος του νησιού και χτίστηκε όταν βρέθηκε η εικόνα της Παναγίας ανάμεσα σε θάμνους με μύρτιές. Μέσα στην όμορφη αυλή υπάρχουν δυο εκκλησίες. Η παλιά και η νεώτερη από πάνω. Δεν μ' άφησαν να βγάλω φωτογραφίες από το εσωτερικό. Η αυλή είναι πολύ όμορφη με τα λουλούδια και τα δένδρα και τις μυρτιές ανθισμένες αυτήν την εποχή.


  1. Magnificent, I can't find another word to express my feelings about this set of pictures.You are so talented with your camera!Amazing composition and angles in these pictures. I love the "gate", that entrance is awesome!
    I'm also delighted by your header, as I LOVE turtles!

  2. Great pictures Costas, the compositions are very good.

    Greetings, Joop

  3. very pretty place and I can see that you did manage to do a shot inside, or am I wrong?:)

  4. Lovely blue striped arches, Costas.

  5. i loved all the arches too - including the one in the mountain. and the artwork on the building is magnificent.

  6. That's a lot of stone. What a fabulous tower being restored.

  7. COUCOU il est magnifique ce monastère oui de superbes photos encore à regarder COSTAS. Des travaux aussi!!!!
    Puis des fleurs pour terminer le bouquet
    c'est génial je trouve.
    J'espére que tout va mieux pour toi !! et que la vie sera plus cool pour ton peuple. Je t'embrasse

  8. Amazing! Your photos are so good of everything you're seeing. Fabulous post.

  9. Fun turtle welcomes us, nice Costas and so glad to see you have returned, though, my welcome may be a couple of days delayed. Your captures are superb and the little courtyard that has the chapel to itself, it so lovely. Have a wonderful weekend~

  10. Maravillosas imágenes !!!Fantástico paseo.
    Un beso desde Argentina

  11. Such gorgeous captures of such a beautiful place! How I would love to visit there! But your photos are the next best thing! Thank you, Costas, for sharing the beauty of your country! Have a lovely weekend!

