Sunday, June 26, 2011

The hawks in Crete.(IIΙ) Τα γεράκια στην Κρήτη.(IIΙ)

A few more distant shots of the young hawk as it is hoping from one dry branch of the cypress top to the other, stretching and working his wings to make them stronger, ready to soar and conquer the skies.
Ακόμη μερικές μακρινές φωτογραφίες του νεαρού γερακιού, όπως μετακινείται από το ένα κλαδί στο άλλο και τεντώνει και δουλευει τα φτερά του και ετοιμάζεται να πετάξει κι αυτό ψηλά και να κατακτήσει τους ουρανούς.


  1. he's so beautiful. love his dark chocolate brown color. :)

  2. COUCOU oui je le vois de loin mais il est bien chez toi j'en suis certaine bisou

  3. Lindo!
    Espero sua visitinha...

  4. Oh what fun Costas, a new hawk to take flight and soar on the winds. I could sit and look at those kittens all day, just adore the image. Have a great week, stay always safe~

  5. As my nickname on my blog is Traveling Hawk, Of course I am interested in this series, Costas:)

  6. Nice shots. We love seeing the hawks and other birds of prey; there is something unusual and attractive about them.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  7. Beautiful hawks...but they're always out to kill our bunny, so we don't want them flying over our yard! :)

  8. That cat banner makes laugh each time I visit you. hahaha So cool.
