Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back with you again. Πίσω μαζύ σας πάλι.

I must admit I really missed you all. It has been almost a month away from you. You see this good friend of mine is living in Beverly Hills, California and kept asking me to visit him for quite some time, and now I found the chance to visit. California is a long way from Greece, flying time from Athens is over 15 hours and the trip leaves you exhausted, not taking into account the jet lag etc. It takes time to adjust. Then, when one is starting to adapt it is time to leave again and come back. And trying to adjust to the jet lag again. But I must also admit I really enjoyed being with my friend, enjoyed every moment of my stay there and the places I saw which I would not have seen if I had not been invited. I came back home yesterday evening, and as it will take me again some time to adapt to the time difference I will try to give you a sample of the places I have been and the photographs that will follow. Photographs from Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, the Californian Coast, Mojave Desert, Nevada, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and Arizona, San Francisco, Alcatraz and many more. Together we shall visit again all those beautiful places and share those moments. I am glad to be with you again.
Πέρασε ένας μήνας πάνω κάτω και μούχετε λείψει όλοι. Βλέπετε ο φίλος μου που με κάλεσε να τον επισκεφτώ είναι κάπως μακρυά, στο Μπέβερλυ Χίλς τηε Καλιφόρνιας και ένα ταξίδι μέχρι εκεί δεν είναι και τόσο εύκολο. Με πτήση που κρατά γύρω στις 15 ώρες από την Αθήνα, με αλλαγές αεροπλάνων στον δρόμο και με την διαφορά της ώρας τα πράγματα είναι δύσκολα. Χρειάζεται περίπου μια βδομάδα για να προσαρμοστεί κανείς στην διαφορά της ώρας και ν' αρχίσει να ζεί στους καινούριους ρυθμούς. Και απάνω πο συνηθίζεις, έρχεται ο καιρός να πάρεις τον δρόμο της επιστροφής και άντε πάλι από την αρχή. Πρέπει όμως να παραδεχτώ πως χάρηκα κάθε στιγμή της παραμονης μου εκεί. Και τα μέρη που μπόρεσα να επισκευτώ με τον φίλο μου. Σιγά σιγά, θα δούμε μαζύ τα μέρη που επισκέφτηκα και θα ζήσω άλλη νμια φορά, μαζύ σας της στιγμές του ταξιδιού. Μαζύ θα δούμε φωτογραφίες από το Λος Άντζελες, το Μπέβερλυ Χίλς, τις παραλίες της Καλιφόρνιας, το Χόλυγουντ, τις ερήμους τηε Νεβάδας και της Αριζόνας, το Γκραν Κάνυον, το Σαν Φραντσίσκο, το Αλκατράζ και όλα τα μέρη που είδα. Ένα μικρό δείγμα για να ξεκινήσωμε. Χαίρομαι που είμαστε ξανά μαζύ.


  1. Glad you enjoyed your stay in California and I'm now looking forward to seeing more of the pictures you took over there!

  2. Welcome back Costas

    you have posted a lot of nice pictures again.

    Greetings, Joop

  3. Amigo, seja bem-vindo!
    Essas primeiras fotos estão muito bonitas. Aguardamos novas paisagens.
    °º♫ Brasil ღ°º

  4. Καλώς όρισες Κωστή!
    Είμαστε σε αναμονή της ξενάγησης!

  5. COUCOU tu es de retour qu'il est adorable ton écureuil je veux le même
    J'adore toutes tes photos elles sont si belles.
    Je t'embrasse

  6. nice to see you again and hear that you had a wonderful journey, despite of the jet lang:)

  7. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Great pics. Looking forward to seeing more.
    Glad you're back with us, we missed you, too!

  8. Welcome back, Costas! I'm glad you visited your friend, 'cause friendship is precious :-D
    The first photos looks great, looks forward to see lots and lots from the trip ;-)
    Have a good nights sleep, at night!!!

  9. Costas so glad you are back, we missed you too! I have a daughter in film production in Los Angeles and we will drive out in September. I was born right across the bay from the Golden Gate bridge. Your images are really lovely and I adore your new banner. Spectacular journey you took and I look forward to more shares~

  10. Καλως ήλθες πίσω κοντά μας!
    ΕΛπίζω να περασες τέλεια και ζηλεύω παρα πολυ!!!!! Παρα πολυ ομως!!!!
    Παρα πολυ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Οι πρώτες εικόνες ειναι θάνατος! Μου τρεχουν τα σάλια!
    Θα περιμενω την ξενάγηση για να αποφασισω να παω κι εγω καποτε!

  11. Καλώς τονα κι άς...άργησε!!!

  12. Welcome back! I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to California. It seems to be a beautiful place, from your pictures.

  13. Καλωσήρθες Κωστή!Φαντάζομαι ότι έχουμε να δούμε πολλά!
    Η πρώτη γεύση ξεσηκωτική!
    Μεγάλη εμπειρία το ταξίδι σου!

  14. Welcome back!
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos!

    Can't wait to hear more about your journey.

  15. Welcome at home again!

    Have a nice day!


  16. Welcome back Costas, so nice to see you again. You have captured some excellent images while in California, I especially like Alcatraz and The Golden Gate Bridge.
    ☼ Sunny

    Μου έλειψες αλήθεια. Και χαίρομαι που έφερες φωτογραφίες μαζί σου. Δεν θα μπορούσε να γινει κι αλλιώς. Την ξέρω αυτή την "αρρώστια". Βασικά σε ζηλεύω μόνο γι'αυτό. Πάνε αρκετοί μήνες απ'την τελευταία φορά που πήγα κάπου όπου η μηχανή μου φώναζε "χρησιμοποίησέ με". Περιμένω να απολαύσω.

  18. I love these! (remember I'm originally a southern california native!) And I'm so glad you're back, Costas. xoxo

  19. Welcome back! Bet you have a backload of images to share.

  20. Oh, welcome back, Costas! What a delight to see your post today when I turned on my computer! I'm so very glad that you had such a great trip to our part of the world. Love your photos as always! My daughter lives near San Francisco and I do visit there regularly and it's a great place. Next time you come to the states you'll have to come to Seattle!! I've enjoyed meeting several blogging friends in the last couple of weeks and it has been such fun. Look forward to seeing more pics of your trip. Have a wonderful week!


  21. I saw your blog listed in Bilsot's list of favorites, so I am your newest Follower. Hope you stop by my photography/humor blog and become a follower of mine too! Love your shots!
    I do a lot of nature shots on my blog too.
    I also host a Free photography monthly photo contest with a different theme each month, so I encourage you and your readers to enter for fun.
    My blog is at:

  22. Καλως ηρθες Κωστη.Οι πρωτες φωτο ειναι φοβερες.Περιμενω και τις λεπτομερειες.Παντα τετοια και να περνας υπεροχα.

  23. Hello Costas, what a wonderful chance-of-a lifetime trip to see so many different places in and around California - many which we have not visited. We did spend a month in and around Los Angeles when our grandson was born 4 years ago and it was certainly a change even for us. We were there at Christmas time and not used to the temperatures in winter, but we adapted quickly. Looking forward to reading and seeing more of your trip!

  24. Καλώς όρισες πάλι στην ψωροκώσταινα!
    Τι όμορφο μέρος!!!!!Πρέπει να πέρασες πολύ όμορφα! Υπέροχες οι φωτό σου...
    σαν να ταξιδεύω μαζί σου!
    Φιλιά πολλά

  25. Wow California!!! So nice that you had this opportunity to visit your friend, the pictures are outstanding!
    Thanks for sharing!

  26. You covered a lot of ground on your trip Costas. I'm looking forward to more shots from the trip.

  27. Nice to "see" you again Costas, and thanks for sharing so many beautiful pictures from your trip.
    Have a nice week:)


  28. Welcome back Kostas. Can't wait to see the photos.

  29. Ένα καλωσόρισμα κι από εμένα...........ας ταξιδέψουμε τώρα κι εμείς μέσα απο τις φωτογραφίες σου

  30. Oh welcome back!!!! So glad to see you're home again and love your photos. Good capture of that squirrel:)

  31. Welcome back Coastas! Photos amazing! Must have been great to see your friend again! Sounds like an excellent visit to the USA!

    Thanks for sharing, take care;)

  32. Welcome home! There is so much to see in California, I'm glad you got to see a little bit of my world. I'm REALLY looking forward to more photos! (I'm sure you took many!)
