Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hadrians Gate, Η Πύλη του Αδριανού.

Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus. One of the most successful Roman Emperors (117-138 A.D). Secured the borders of the vast Roman Empire during his reign. He was a philosopher, poet and great lover of Ancient Greece and Greek civilization. In Athens he finished building the Temple of Olympian Zeus, built the Hadrian Gate between the Temple and Acropolis, and constructed the Hadrian Aqueduct to bring water to Athens.
Bust of Hadrian photo. Musei capitolini.
Πούπλιος Αίλιος Τραιανός Αδριανός. Από τους σημαντικότερους Ρωμαίους Αυτοκράτορες.(117-138μ.Χ).  Έκανε σημαντική δουλειά, εξασφαλίζοντας τα σύνορα της απέραντης Ρωμαικής Αυτοκρατορίας. Φιλόσοφος, ποιητής και λάτρης του αρχαίου Ελληνικού πολιτισμού και της Ελλάδας. Βοήθησε στην αποπεράτωση του ναού του Ολυμπίου Διός στην Αθήνα, κατακέυασε την Πύλη του Αδριανού και το Αδριάνειο Υδραγωγείο για να φέρη νερό στην Αθήνα.

The remaining columns of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, next to the Gate.
Οι στύλοι του Ναού του Ολύμπιου Δία.


  1. I do love this series of photos that you have been posting the past few days. Love reading the history. It's so interesting to see the ancient Athens side by side with the Athens of today. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your country, Costas! Have a wonderful week!


  2. Beautiful images. I am surprised how tall the columns are. Great that some are still standing.

  3. Thanks a lot Costas! Nice picture from your so beautiful and historical country.

  4. Costas, another great photo tour!
    I have to go see these things...

  5. Thanks Costas to let us know the history of Greek and Roman Empire! I really love your series pics. ;-)

  6. It's very cool hearing the history from "the other side," because when we learn it in school or in books, it's like some distant ruler or civilization (Roman) conquered some other civilization even further away (Greek). So now I hear it from your side. It sounds somewhat benevolent and positive. Your photos are lovely, especially the lighting on the bust of Hadrian. One thing I love about wandering in such ancient cities is that you find the remnants of the old civilizations in the most unexpected places.

  7. Lovely pictures once more :-)

  8. wow Wonderful set of pictures, thanks so much for these memories, We visit there last January, it was a dream, amazing trip!
    FAntastic blue sky!
    Have a nice week

  9. Those columns looks so massive - it's amazing that there are so many still standing!

    I always love your pictures - especially when I enlarge them - so much vivid detail.

    I've really enjoyed this series! Thank you so much.

  10. Resplendent photography -- we owe so much to the ancient Greek civilization.


  11. I am always in awe of ruins from Roman times. I find them fascinating.

  12. Beautiful historical places and your photos are exquisite again, as these places deserve.

  13. Αγαπητέ Κώστα, μόλις ανακάλυψα το υπέροχο φωτογραφικό σου blog. Έχεις πολύ όμορφες εικόνες! Θα ψάξω και τις παλαιότερες αναρτήσεις σου μέσα από την λίστα με τις ετικέτες και θα σχολιάσω...
    Σε προσκαλώ επίσημα (αν και δεν φοράω σμόκιν αυτήν την στιγμή) να επισκευτείς και το δικό μου φωτογραφικό blog "Ο ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΙΠΛΑΝΗΣ ΠΟΡΤΑΣ" στην διεύθυνση:
    Περιμένω τα σχόλιά σου... Θα επανέλθω..!

  14. Efharisto poli ... for the wonderful memories your beautiful images have provoked. I remember walking around the the Temple of Olympian Zeus and Hadrian's Gate when I was in Athens in 1985. Now I think I'm overdue another magical visit.

  15. Thank you for sharing this! - they are wonderful shots of such a beautiful and historic place. It is amazing the something so old can still be standing.
    *We love your video of "Scenes and music from Crete"!
    Have a great week.
    Darryl and Ruth : )

  16. Olá, amigo!
    Voltei para ver as novidades... amei o que encontrei...
    Essas fotos são simplesmente maravilhosas!!!
    Tenho certeza que é apenas uma pequena amostra do seu talento.
    Uma ótima semana!
    Itabira - Brasil

  17. Wow... there is so much history there Costas! It makes me shiver a bit. Thank you for sharing!

  18. your country has an impressive history and culture..very good!!

  19. Ωραίο το ταξίδι που μας πήγες ,πολύ θα ήθελα να ήμουν κάπου εκει

  20. wonderfull place.. you´ve got some great shots!
